這二天本來想連上 Active Virus Shield 抓下來安裝,沒想到一連上就看到這則消息。
We're Sorry!
* AOL® Active Virus Shield is no longer available.
* Looking for protection from viruses, spyware and hackers?
* We are now offering McAfee® Virus Scan Plus-Special edition from AOL.
* Please visit AOL® Internet Security Central to find the most comprehensive FREE set of safety tools available to help keep you, your family, and your PC safer from online threats.
不過老實說,McAfee 的掃毒功力和 Active Virus Shield 比起來就遜色一些了。不知道未來 Active Virus Shield 是否還能繼續更新病毒碼呢?kaspersky 的東西我還是比較滿意啊!